Well, seems you are intrigued. We like that! So how does this work?
Here is a rundown of a normal Norwich Kitty Network Meeting –
You will get an Email invitation and a Whatsapp message (if you join the Kitty Whatsapp Group) reminding you where the meeting is on the 1st Thursday of the month. It will be one of four or five venues in the City Centre.
You will also be reminded to put in your 60 words via the website before the Thursday of the meeting. If you do not put in any words, you can write them up and hand them in on the evening or ask for 60 seconds on the clock’ to stand up and introduce yourself to talk about your business, also if you are new to Networking and would just like to come along and sit in on a meeting to find out what we are all about you are also welcome to do that.
The original 30 words concept came from the number of words the average 140-character Tweet (remember them) had. We have since expanded it to 60. Also, it keeps people from running on.
We start to meet from 5pm onwards at the venue. You do not need to arrive till 6.30pm when we start the main part of the meeting but it’s best to be there earlier to have fun and unwind. So, arrive, get a drink and have a catch up with the rest of the group.
At 6.30pm we will settle down and the presenter will go through and read out the words and allow everyone to be heard. Alternatively, you can choose to have 60 seconds on the clock’ to say what you like about you and your business. All we ask is that you give as much attention to everyone’s words as you would want for yours. So please put that phone away! After everybody in the room have been heard we regularly have a guest speaker who after a short break will then give a talk on their given subject with Q&A’s to follow which usually last’s about 20 minutes.
After the meeting is over, most people usually stay on for a drink or two or some food. The rest of the night is yours. Make of it what you will. Mingle, network, chat, after all you are an adult, it’s up to you what you do or how long you stay for.
Okay how does it really work?
Well to be honest, it’s all down to friendship. Norwich Kitty Networking is not purely about business and maximising income. It’s about making trustworthy long-term relationships with likeminded people. We don’t expect to be the largest networking group in the county. We don’t expect members to be able to retire early. But if you come along regularly enough, you will meet some amazing people and hopefully make some amazing friends while generating business leads and making new contacts along the way.
Essentially, we are a social business network group for small business. We get to know you; we get to know your business and you get in the collective consciousness of the group “Oh yes I know just the person you need to speak to!”
Who would you recommend? A friend or that annoying guy who stuffed a card in your hand four months ago?
What is Norwich Kitty Networking? What are the rules? What do I need to know?
- We are a ‘social’ business network. It’s about making friends and acquaintances you trust in the small business world.
- The concept came from our late founder Paul Rudd. He started Norwich Kitty Networking in September 2011.
- We get to know members as real people not just as a businesses as we strongly believe in the ‘people buy people’ philosophy.
- It’s low cost and low stress.
- We have few rules as we consider you an adult.
- No need to turn up every meeting but we always say the more you turn up the more you will get from it. Not joking there.
- We are not one business type exclusive, but we might draw the line if we get six taxidermists.
- It’s fun and something to look forward to, not a drag or a hassle worrying where to get that next referral to pass on.
- We are not into hard sales tactics or pitches. We are farmers, not hunters.
- It’s where you can laugh, chat or moan about work or life in general with a bunch of people in a similar boat.
- We aim to support local venues in Norwich.
We like to have non-networking social meet ups too. Yes, we meet up even when we don’t have to!!! You are welcome to bring guests along to meetings in fact more the merrier, they can also submit some words about their business if they wish. We also meet up socially on the third Thursday of the month in a top pub or restaurant somewhere in the City. Can’t think what to write? No worries, choose 60 seconds to speak about yourself. We won’t ask you to make up fake referrals every meeting, so you don’t get put on the naughty step.
We like to have a laugh. Prepare to have your leg pulled on occasion. We won’t force you to do anything. Okay we might cajole you to do something, but you’ll be with friends.
Kitty is not a cat. It’s the ‘Kitty’ you keep on a night out when you all share the cost of a round of drinks or a meal with friends.
Did we mention you can join us for just £49.95 for a year? Yes you read that right it is per year.