Norwich Kitty Networking is a social business network that aims to meet on the first Thursday evening of the month throughout the year. Meetings will mostly take place in licensed premises in Norwich City centre but on some occasions at other venues in Norfolk. The general aim is for one business meetup per month plus one social meetup per month subject to holidays, significant events, pandemics etc.
Guests (subject to request/invitation) may attend their first Norwich Kitty Networking meeting for free. Should they wish to attend further meetings, payment of an annual membership fee of £49.95 is required. Sorry.
Payment of the subscription will entitle the member to attend any meetings and events for a year/12 months from payment of membership. Members gain access to submit 60 words and updates on events and meetings on the Kitty website. Also, inclusion in the Kitty Business Index.
Monthly attendance is not compulsory, but we do ask members to try and attend when possible and purchase at least one drink at the bar to support the pub venue hosting the meeting.
The business itself is ‘the member’ so any individual or individuals from the business are welcome to attend.
Whilst Norwich Kitty Networking has an obligation to ‘the member’ to host a networking opportunity most months of the year, any private function rooms and/or food provided are done so at the sole cost and discretion of the venue themselves and are not membership benefits paid for by the annual membership fee.
Annual membership fees are non-refundable.
Norwich Kitty Networking reserves the right to revoke membership without warning. However, unless ‘the member’ in question has committed an act of gross misconduct they will usually receive at least one verbal warning before membership is terminated.